“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, PhD, Man’s Search for Meaning

The Lamplighter School

Living Gracefully With Uncertainty 
Presenter: Kristen M. Ohlenforst, PhD
Faculty/Staff • August 10, 2020

This year has been filled with continuous change and unceasing uncertainty – both for children and for adults. For many, such circumstances can generate a myriad of powerful and exhausting emotions. So how can we learn to live as gracefully as possible with change and uncertainty?  How do we develop emotional and psychological stamina in the face of the unknown?  Join us for a discussion on strategies for coping with change and managing strong emotions.  Dr. Ohlenforst will share how rising to meet the challenges presented by this pandemic will serve us – and our children — not only in the present, but also in the years to come.

Presentation Outline:

  • What the heck is going on??
  • So what should our goals be?
  • Strategies for Change:
    • Avoid the comparison game
    • Differentiate between productive vs. nonproductive worry
    • Set realistic and manageable goals
    • Craft a mindful narrative
    • Explore and accept big emotions
    • Give permission to experience joy and pleasure!
    • Connect with community
  • Conclusion / Q&A
Referenced Resources: